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I am offering for one month until January 9th a 10% discount on all of my online courses. Message me directly - see Online page for courses..


My gong book update had been delayed for various reasons — including my move to Vancouver, ongoing work with the gong, and a health issue that I have overcome which I resolved through abstaining from gong healing. This contributed to something important I learned that needs to be shared about sound frequency as a clinical treatment. The final edition will be on Amazon when my writing is complete. Thank you for your supportive feedback on my work.

I chose not to continue offering my original updated book Gong Consciousness: Self-Healing Through The Power of Sound because there as certain elements that I no longer wish to share. While much of the information I have documented is still valid there are new discoveries that override some things shared that I no longer promote. Many people included in the earlier publishing are no longer in the book and I am stating this publicly so that they do not feel they have been removed due to any fault. I no longer include information that is not relevant to the new direction I have taken. My method has always involved maximum gong sound frequency exposure for optimal healing benefit however there are more important variables that I have discovered that enhance the gong’s effect.. One inclusion that will no longer be included is a reference I made to light therapy that someone who plays the gong said he was also working with. The light pulsations can often trigger seizures in certain individuals with a propensity for it. Light therapy technology can activate a peripheral nervous system response if exposed long enough to it. I have experienced the therapy and felt no different because of it. The gong was not part of the session.

In addition to not supporting any form of light therapy, I am also stating that I personally do not agree with combining any form of vibrational sound healing with any form of acupuncture. I made only a brief reference to this in a previous edition in an integrative context though no longer believe it to be valid, and highly recommend to never combine the two in a single session. 

The gong is a pure vibrational experience provided the gong used is of the highest quality standard. Beware of lesser quality gongs not made of the nickel silver alloy which are extremely resonant with minimal playing effort. These factors are important. Meinl Sonic Energy and Paiste Gongs mostly make gongs of this metal alloy and are by far the largest gong makers and gong distributors in the world. These are my only recommendations for gong sound healing. There are some exceptions though these ones recommended are standard and available.

As a psychotherapist of well over 20 years I have extensive experience working with others to support their personal growth and healing — it is this field experience that has allowed me to delve deeply into the rapidly growing industry of sound healing and make important discoveries — specifically with regard to the gong and frequency-directed healing which I began in 2015 through my experimental research. This led to developing my unique Wells Gong Therapeutic Method which supports emotional-psychological as well as physical healing and significantly enhances consciousness in various ways.

One of the most popular formats I offer is with groups - for Gong Sound Frequency Vibration Immersion - which is relaxing and highly transformative both emotionally and physically.


Participants are asked to refrain from consuming food up to four hours prior to a session and to be well-hydrated for optimal healing benefit. I also teach others how to buy their own gong and learn to play for their own healing journey at home and to support family and friends. It’s called The Art of Self-Gong. This course is the foundation of the gong training I offer. It involves personal healing. When you know how to work with the gong at this intimate level there is an understanding that develops. The course is created for those who have an interest in understanding how sound frequency affects both body and mind. Healing Practitioners would greatly benefit from this Level One course in order to understand the basic premise of gong sound vibrational healing — and have an important reference point from which to guide others. The Healing Practitioners Course is about learning to incorporate gong sound vibration into an existing healing business along with whatever types of other healing modalities are used, as it supports and enhances deeper levels of healing when combined with other modalities. See my Online page for the various courses I offer.

Excerpt from my third edition of Gong Consciousness: Healing Through The Power of Sound

  • Even one full gong treatment can alleviate feelings of anxiety, stress, and mental tension — and with continued sound frequency exposure can significantly enhance emotional well being and greatly minimize trauma-based wounding, including chronic depression. Having a gong in the home with regular use can facilitate great emotional transformation.

  • From a physical standpoint a single one hour gong sound vibration session can instantly reduce inflammation and improve circulation which greatly accelerates physical healing. The release of toxic build up and greatly alleviates the experience of physical pain. Having a gong at home allows daily gonging at any time for instant relief and ongoing healing.

  • Regular exposure to gong vibrations can significantly alleviate several types of chronic health conditions such as appendicitis and various other examples of internal inflammation. It also supports nervous system related conditions including fibromyalgia, tinnitus, carpal tunnel and other forms of neuropathy and can also be used for anyone with any type of disease for general benefit. The gong also may have an adverse effect on the nervous system. This is important to know if you are not trained in gong sound healing.

I have worked with individual clients through my psychotherapy practice well over two decades and for many years taught a Healing & Consciousness seminar I now offer online for individuals. When I am able I will offer it live in a group format. Self-directed healing is a necessary foundation for anyone who seeks to understand the essence of healing from an integrated perspective. Utilizing the gong can also greatly accelerate emotional and physical health though there are specific methods of practice that are essential to understand. Whether with single-focused client healing or in a group gong healing format in a clinical environment knowing how to effectively work with others takes understanding.. I am also starting to work with medical professionals.

As an adjunct to my psychotherapy work I also offer an online course for client-centred healing practitioners working with any type of modality about Counseling Skills and how to counsel a client in a healing context — as this aspect is absolutely essential for the overall success of any type of healing session. This generalized course however does not involve the gong directly — it is a general counselling course for any type of healing practitioner who would like to learn how to work effectively with clients in a professional sense and for those who may not have had any form of counselling education. See my online page for more.

There are many approaches and methods for becoming more conscious.

True To me is a song I wrote about reclaiming one’s own sovereign right to make personal choice without the influence of others.

This video is for a song I wrote and sing called A New Era.

In a group gong sound immersive session, lying down allows for complete relaxation and enhanced healing - provided you’re well hydrated. As well, without having to digest food your body utilizes all available energy for optimal healing benefit.

Be calm in all that you think, say and do.

Rest easy in any given moment and trust that nothing can ever harm you other than your own limited perception.

Never believe what anyone says when they are emotional — only when they are clear. Observe when you speak from anger versus peace. Never gossip or disparage another - they always hear as everything is contained in a field of everything, and nothing inherently exists except for what we choose to create in the mind. 

Never risk what’s important.

Email me directly if you have any questions about my various offerings. Most of my courses are individualized for maximum learning. See Contact page. Motto: Always share whatever you have with someone.