The gong and sound healing is becoming more popular - however with the decline in supply of high quality gongs due to demand it naturally affects the results that people can achieve if working with lesser quality gongs.
Wells Gong Therapeutic Method
I have been teaching practical elements of healing since the early part of my career, utilizing a number of different healing practices and modalities including the GONG — developing my own unique method that combines psychotherapy with sound healing. The gong as a sound instrument emits a wide band of frequencies that vibrates one's entire being to enhance wellness in a number of different ways. It is a tool that can be used to significantly boost your energy level, heal challenging emotions, cure many different types of physical ailments and even disease with continued use, and is often used to support deep states of meditative awareness.
As a sacred healing tool the gong vibrations significantly enhance a person's ability to heal on multiple levels and to expand in conscious awareness. It creates a heightened energetic field through any one who is able to hold present moment awareness — and that others pickup on and shift with as well. This is remarkable as it elevates the person who is receiving a gong session from someone who is aware and holds a state of compassion
Psychotherapy & Gong Healing
I offer different types of online work with the gong including different forms of training as well as live in-person training and large group healing events. Being in direct proximity to the gong has significant healing benefit. I often assist others who are training to become gong healing practitioners to effectively utilize the power of the gong for different types of health conditions. I offer my unique approach which is a method I have developed over many years of experimental research. I have been a proponent for gong sound healing through my work helping to raise the standards and protocols of how to effectively achieve optimal healing. High quality gongs are essential for healing though this is not widely understood. I also have a role to educate others around the types of gongs most suited for dedicated healing. See my Youtube gong videos.
Visit my Online page for my various offerings
If you are attracted to obtaining a gong for self-gonging in the home, the workplace environment or as a specialized clinician engaging in focused gong sound healing with clients - Wells Gong Therapeutic Method involves the specialized use of the gong. It has been through several long term gong healing situations that I discovered and developed an awareness of the importance for sound frequency application with regard to varying individual client health.
This industry is going through a very necessary adjustment in learning about why gong sound vibrational energy and application are of utmost importance.
The Importance of Training
The gong can heal or significantly alleviate a wide range of different types of health challenges. This subject is not necessarily well known or researched though has been the focus of my longstanding work in this area. Qualified training and practice are vital for practitioners as a lack of knowledge and sensitivity of a particular individual’s unique circumstances can cause a harmful outcome through incorrect sound application. There is a lot to understand before embarking on a professional healing path to guide others and to fully utilize the gong in a safe and therapeutic way. Regular gonging is important as it continues to cleanse one’s energy field of residual blockage.
Offering guidance around gong purchase and set up is an important part of what I offer including sourcing quality gongs for healing at home, the workplace and for clinical use. See the Online section for various gong-related courses.
Jain Wells, Phd